
SynchronizationintegrationsenableyoutosyncuserandgroupdatatoMicrosoftEntraIDandthenuserMicrosoftEntramanagementcapabilities.,FreeFileSyncisafoldercomparisonandsynchronizationsoftwarethatcreatesandmanagesbackupcopiesofallyourimportantfiles.Insteadofcopyingevery ...,UseDirectorySynctosynchronizeuserandgroupdatafromanexternaldirectorytoyourGoogleclouddirectory.Thesyncprocesstakesplaceinthecloud, ...

Directory synchronization with Microsoft Entra ID

Synchronization integrations enable you to sync user and group data to Microsoft Entra ID and then user Microsoft Entra management capabilities.


FreeFileSync is a folder comparison and synchronization software that creates and manages backup copies of all your important files. Instead of copying every ...

Get started with Directory Sync

Use Directory Sync to synchronize user and group data from an external directory to your Google cloud directory. The sync process takes place in the cloud, ...

Google Cloud Directory Sync

Google Cloud Directory Sync enables administrators to synchronize users, groups and other data from an Active Directory/LDAP service to their Google Cloud ...


Autodesk directory sync allows customers to add and maintain users from their organization's directory groups to their Autodesk team.

Set up directory synchronization for Microsoft 365

Learn how to set up directory synchronization between Microsoft 365 and your on-premises Active Directory.


sync-directory can sync files from src directory to target directory. CLI and API are supported. We have two ways to sync files: ...

Synchronize Linux Directories in Both Directions

Syncronizing Linux directories in both directions ensures changes made in one directory are mirrored or updated in another, and vice versa.

What is .sync directory

What is .sync directory · 1) Archive folder. This is the folder with file version and files deleted from remote agents. · 2) FolderType. · 3) ID file. · 4) ...

開始使用Directory Sync

您必須使用虛擬私有雲(VPC) 存取連接器,才能讓Directory Sync 使用您現有的網路設定連線至AD。